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About Us

Inspired By Humanity, Focused On Children

Our goal at Alycia Worldwide is simple yet profound: we’re committed to providing babies and children in need with life-saving support. We concentrate on the most vulnerable among us, making sure they receive the care, support, and resources they need to thrive. Our efforts are motivated by compassion and a dedication to changing the world.  

At Alycia Worldwide, our commitment to children’s well-being is rooted in compassion and a belief in the transformative power of dedicated care. We draw inspiration from the collective spirit of humanity, channeling it into focused efforts for the betterment of children facing crises. Recognizing the vulnerability of these young lives, we tirelessly strive to provide immediate relief and long-term support. Our mission extends beyond alleviating immediate challenges; it encompasses fostering an environment where every child has the opportunity to flourish. Through collaboration, innovation, and unwavering dedication, Alycia Worldwide stands as a beacon of hope for a brighter future for all children.

Reviving Rural Areas with Veteran-led Tiny Home Communities

Alycia Worldwide plans to establish small housing projects in rural areas, focusing on tiny homes. We plan to use veterans’ skills to build these homes and create cohesive communities. The project will be located in areas known for hosting retired veterans, such as Saint Cloud, Florida, to stimulate economic development. As the tiny home communities grow, local businesses, including stores, will emerge, providing employment opportunities for veterans involved in the construction process. Our goal is not only to provide affordable housing but also to contribute to the economic revitalization of the rural area. By collaborating with veterans and establishing vibrant tiny home communities, we aim to foster social cohesion and sustainable growth.

Our Mission and Our


In pursuit of our mission, we strive to empower children by addressing economic disparities. Our vision includes implementing sustainable initiatives that provide families with the resources and support needed to break the cycle of poverty. By investing in economic stability, we aim to create environments where children can grow up with a sense of security and hope for a prosperous future.


Alycia Worldwide is dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to quality healthcare. Our vision encompasses the establishment of medical programs and partnerships that guarantee children receive the necessary medical attention, preventive care, and treatment. We believe that a healthy child is better positioned to learn, grow, and contribute positively to society.


Social development is integral to a child's well-being. Alycia Worldwide Children Donation Company is committed to fostering environments that nurture positive social interactions and emotional growth. Through community programs and partnerships, we aim to create spaces where children can develop essential life skills, resilience, and a sense of belonging.

Foreign policy

In line with our global vision, Alycia Worldwide actively engages in foreign policy advocacy to promote the rights and well-being of children worldwide. We work towards influencing international policies that prioritize the needs of children and address the root causes of their challenges. Our goal is to be a voice for those who are often marginalized and overlooked on the global stage.


Education is a fundamental pillar of our vision. Alycia Worldwide is dedicated to breaking down barriers to education and ensuring that every child has access to quality learning opportunities. By providing educational resources, scholarships, and support, we aim to empower children to become informed, engaged citizens capable of shaping their own destinies.


Recognizing the importance of family in a child's development, Alycia Worldwide strives to strengthen family structures. Through counseling, financial assistance, and community-building initiatives, we work towards creating a supportive environment for families. Our vision includes fostering strong family bonds that contribute to the overall well-being and stability of children.

Group 28

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